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Michael Fitzhugh Bell
About Michael Fitzhugh Bell
Michael Fitzhugh Bell is a graduate of the Culinary Institute of America. He�s a
classically trained chef who has worked in Hotels in Austria and in several well-known
restaurants and hotels in America. He worked in the entertainment business in Hollywood,
California as a motion picture caterer working on television series, motion pictures and
television commercials and as an aspiring screenwriter. His special interests include
photography, hiking, high-altitude mountaineering and climbing big peaks around the
world. Michael has written articles for Palm Springs Life Magazine and was a finalist in
the original Project Greenlight Screenwriting Contest and won several writing contests in
prep school and college.
This sequel to his first book, is the result of over five years of extensive,
groundbreaking research and his personal detailed journey from a normal conventional life
to that of a victim of the United States Shadow Government as a Targeted Individual.
Michael wrote this second book to make the general public aware of the cruel, inhumane,
and unspeakable crimes of Organized Stalking, Electronic Harassment/Bioelectronic Torture
and Mind Control.
Investigative Journalist and Whistleblower, Michael Fitzhugh Bell
shovels hard at unearthing and exposing these extremely sophisticated, advanced
technologies that are now being misused to commit heinous crimes against innocent
citizens around the world. It was also written for Targeted Individuals to help them
regain control of their lives with real survival tools, methods and techniques to survive
against overwhelming odds these unconscionable crimes, and the constant, continuous
extreme physical torture and psychologically terrifying ordeals that take over and
completely destroy and ruin their lives.
Victims of these crimes are non-consensual test subjects of massive top-secret
experimentation programs known as Special Access Programs(SAPs)and even more clandestine
Unacknowledged Special Access Programs (USAPs) at the highest level of Classified
Military Operations. Millions of people around the world are now being used in illegal
clinical medical trials without their knowledge, consent or permission, living their
lives as virtual prisoners of high-tech Electronic Concentration Camps. This illegal
testing is criminal; a War Crime that needs to gain mainstream media exposure, apologies
and reparations need to be made to Targeted Individuals, and finally stopped.

Listen to Michael F. Bell and Roger Tolces on Coast To Coast A.M.
with George Noory 2/14/13: